Kyle Clark
I am Kyle Clark and I was born in eastern Arizona in a town called Safford. I spent part of my
childhood with grandparents on the San Carlos Apache Reservation. Later, I moved to a
town named Thatcher. At Thatcher High School, I was an avid member of my academic
team, student council, and the Future Business Leaders of America Club (FBLA). I had the
opportunity to study Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) over a summer. At MIT, I found that I had an interest in
computer engineering and computer architecture.
After high school, I attended The University of Arizona (UofA) to pursue a degree in
Management Information Systems. I was a member of the American Indian Science and
Engineering Society (AISES) and the Eller Unity Board. After two years, I was unable to
continue my journey at The UofA. I then started working for Technology Integrators LLC
where I installed and serviced cable pathways for copper cable and fiber optic cable.
Through my time on the reservation, I saw how underdeveloped a rural community can
be, and I hope to work hard to bring Native American reservations to the modern era. I
want to continue my pursuit of computer engineering and architecture. I am ready to
continue my journey to reach my goals through Codefy and its software development