Joshua Payte
My name is Joshua Payte. I was born in Tuba City, Arizona on the Navajo reservation. I am 19 years old and I grew up living from state to state, because my mom was trying to get a better life for us. This has given me interesting perspectives since I got to see life from different viewpoints. Technology became my safe space, there were more absolutes in the computer than there were in my ever changing life. However, I struggled in school for the longest time. Even though I had a passion for working on computers, my teachers and family thought I was just going to be another high school dropout. So, I decided I would get the best revenge possible and actually started understanding the concepts they were teaching me instead of just trying to get by. And because of that, I've changed. I still have a lot to learn, but I want to move on to the next stage. I would love to work anywhere in the IT department or anything to do with the development of technology. I have built computers, volunteered in the IT field and understand the hardware side of things. I am eager to learn the other side of how technology works. Having this opportunity means a lot to me as I get to learn and grow in the industry that I would love to spend the rest of my life in, and also have the opportunity in the future to possibly better the lives of others.