Lindsey Honwynewa
Hello, my name is Lindsey Honwynewa and I am 24 years old. I am a proud member of the Hopi Tribe, which is in northern Arizona, and I am of the “Tepwungwa” clan which in English is greasewood. One of the greatest disadvantages of growing up on the reservation was that we did not have electricity, making it hard for my community to utilize computers at home. I have recognized the importance of technology and remain impressed by how rapidly it has advanced. Moving forward, technology has become a necessity and is something I have grown an interest in as a young adult, influencing me to pursue a career as a software developer. One of my goals would be to help guide past and future generations through technology, enabling them to use computer science as a tool to evolve our communities. Another goal would be to influence my peers to accomplish their goals of entering the computer science industry. The Codefy program is one of the first steps I am taking to achieve my goals. As a student I strive for success in being well acquainted in the skills of computer software programmers.